- You can get the element's default data by ACAPI_Element_GetDefaults and its default extended data by ACAPI_Element_GetDefaultsExt.
- You can change the element's default data by ACAPI_Element_ChangeDefaults and its default extended data by ACAPI_Element_ChangeDefaultsExt
- You can create an element by ACAPI_Element_Create and with extended data by ACAPI_Element_CreateExt
- You can change the element's data by ACAPI_Element_Change and its extended data by ACAPI_Element_ChangeExt
- You can get the element's data by ACAPI_Element_Get
How to I get the element's extended data? In my case, the detail marker extended data.
I created one using
ACAPI_Element_CreateExt functions. The data I input was perfectly saved in the detail marker. But now I want to get it, I can't seem to find it since there is no corresponding
ACAPI_Element_GetExt function for it. I've tried using/getting the parameters using:
owner.libInd = 0;
owner.typeID = iElemHead.typeID;
owner.index = iElemHead.index;
ACAPI_Goodies(APIAny_OpenParametersID, &owner)
...but it returns 0x81060068 (
EDIT 1:BTW, am I right that the "Ext" stands for "extended [data]".