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2021-11-18 10:57 PM
Hi Everyone!
While trying the possibilities of the API I stumbled into a problem I don't know how to solve.
When I open a modal dialog that I coded and press the Enter key the dialog just closes as if I clicked on the Cancel button. If I operate with mouse and click on the OK or any other button it works just fine and the addon runs fine.
Can anyone please point me into the right direction how to detect which button is in focus and after pressing the Enter key the process would run as if I clicked that button?
My dialog window class is derived from DG::ModalDialog. What am I missing or not noticing?
Any help is appreciated!
2021-11-19 08:14 AM - edited 2021-11-19 08:16 AM
The default Enter and Escape behavior automatically applies to your dialog if the OK and the Cancel buttons are the first two items in your dialog resource.
For example, take a look at the dialog in the maze generator example add-on.
2021-11-20 08:16 PM
Hi Viktor,
Thank you so much for the quick answer! I checked my AddOn.grc and the first two buttons are OK and Cancel. Still it's not responding as it should when hitting Enter while OK button is in focus. Here's the grc content:
'GDLG' ID_ADDON_DLG Modal | grow 40 40 410 128 "Dialog Window" {
/* [ 1] */ Button 310 95 90 23 LargePlain "OK"
/* [ 2] */ Button 210 95 90 23 LargePlain "Cancel"
/* [ 3] */ Button 10 95 90 23 LargePlain "About..."
/* [ 4] */ Separator 10 83 390 2
/* [ 5] */ Icon 13 50 22 22 10002 /* pen icon */
/* [ 6] */ Icon 10 50 22 22 10004 /* font icon */
/* [ 7] */ IntEdit 43 49 30 24 SmallPlain "0" "255" /* font color number */
/* [ 8] */ UserControl 77 50 33 22 257 0x0001 0x1100 0 /* color user control */
/* [ 9] */ PushCheck 327 50 25 22 LargeBold noFrame "B"
/* [ 10] */ PushCheck 353 50 25 22 LargeItalic noFrame "I"
/* [ 11] */ PushCheck 379 50 25 22 LargeUnderline noFrame "U"
/* [ 12] */ Icon 242 50 22 22 10006 /* font size icon */
/* [ 13] */ RealEdit 273 49 30 24 SmallPlain "0.1" "1000.0" /* font size */
/* [ 14] */ LeftText 306 55 30 24 SmallPlain "mm" /* unit label */
/* [ 15] */ PopupControl 120 50 110 22 80 3 /* font type popup menu */
/* [ 16] */ Icon 10 20 29 14 10007 /* layer icon */
/* [ 17] */ UserControl 43 10 187 30 263 /* layer popup menu */
/* [ 18] */ LeftText 242 12 110 30 SmallPlain "Szoveg tavolsag\na honszint szintjetol:" /* MAGYAR */
/* [ 19] */ RealEdit 355 13 30 24 SmallPlain "0.00" "1000.0" /* label dist in m */
/* [ 20] */ LeftText 388 17 30 24 SmallPlain "m" /* label dist unit */
Interestingly when the About button is in focus and I hit Enter the About dialog appears as it should.
Here's my header file for the dialog:
#include "APIEnvir.h"
#include "ACAPinc.h"
#include "ResourceIds.hpp"
#include "DGModule.hpp"
#include "UCModule.hpp"
#include "StringConversion.hpp"
class SettingsDialog : public DG::ModalDialog,
public DG::PanelObserver,
public UC::FontPopUpObserver,
public DG::ButtonItemObserver,
public DG::CompoundItemObserver,
public DG::CheckItemObserver,
public DG::IntEditObserver,
public DG::UserControlObserver,
public DG::RealEditObserver,
public DG::PopUpObserver
enum DialogResourceIds
ExampleDialogResourceId = ID_ADDON_DLG,
OKButtonId = 1,
CancelButtonId = 2,
AboutButtonId = 3,
SeparatorId = 4,
// Pen Icon -> 5
// Font Icon -> 6
FontColorEditId = 7,
FontColorUserControlId = 8,
BoldCheckId = 9,
ItalicCheckId = 10,
UnderlineCheckId = 11,
// FontSizeIcon -> 12
FontSizeEditId = 13,
// LeftText -> 14
FontPopUpId = 15,
// Layer Icon -> 16
LayerPopUpId = 17,
// LeftText -> 18
LabelHeightEditId = 19
// LeftText -> 20
DG::Button okButton;
DG::Button cancelButton;
UC::FontPopUp fontPopUp;
DG::Button aboutButton;
DG::Separator separator;
DG::IntEdit fontColor;
DG::UserControl fontColorUserControl;
DG::PushCheck boldCheck;
DG::PushCheck italicCheck;
DG::PushCheck underlineCheck;
DG::RealEdit fontSize;
DG::PopUp layerPopUp;
DG::RealEdit labelHeight;
short* font_type_data;
GS::Int32* pen_col_data;
unsigned short* face_bits_data;
double* font_size_data;
double* label_height_data;
bool* cont_w_exec = nullptr;
API_AttributeIndex* layer = nullptr;
virtual void PanelResized(const DG::PanelResizeEvent& ev) override;
virtual void ButtonClicked(const DG::ButtonClickEvent& ev) override;
virtual void IntEditChanged(const DG::IntEditChangeEvent&) override;
virtual void UserControlChanged(const DG::UserControlChangeEvent&) override;
virtual void RealEditChanged(const DG::RealEditChangeEvent&) override;
virtual void PopUpChanged(const DG::PopUpChangeEvent&);
void UpdateValues(short* ft_type, GS::Int32* pn_col, unsigned short* face_bts, double* ft_s, double* lbl_h);
SettingsDialog(short* ft_type, GS::Int32* pn_col, unsigned short* face_bts, double* ft_s, double* lbl_h, bool* c_w_ex, API_AttributeIndex* _layer);
virtual ~SettingsDialog();
My design so far is a bit primitive compared to the maze example, I have more data members which I also shall collect into a settings class. And my ButtonClicked function (in case OK is pressed) initiates the UpdateValues function which updates the data members and then continues with the rest of the addon. (I'm still not familiar with the ACAPI_GetPreferences and ACAPI_SetPreferences functions, but I think they are what I was looking for for a while to improve the addon.)
Here's the implementation of my ButtonClicked function:
void SettingsDialog::ButtonClicked(const DG::ButtonClickEvent& ev)
if (ev.GetSource() == &okButton) {
UpdateValues(font_type_data, pen_col_data, face_bits_data, font_size_data, label_height_data);
*cont_w_exec = true;
else if (ev.GetSource() == &cancelButton) {
*cont_w_exec = false;
else if (ev.GetSource() == &aboutButton) {
AboutDialog abtdial;
ACAPI_WriteReport("Unknown event source", true);
I know I'm doing something wrong as I'm not a developer by profession just an architect with some C++ experience. I think the Archicad API is the coolest thing that exists for an Archicad user. I have sometimes problems understanding the documentation or the example code. Any further advice or help is appreciated!
2022-02-10 12:39 PM
The thing I noticed is, if I organize the code as it is in the maze generator, namely I move the addon functions from ButtonClicked to PanelCloseRequested and only the PostCloseRequest function stays in the ButtonClicked function, hitting Enter works as it should! So thank you for your help! Since I don't know why it is this way but it works, I'll follow this way of organizing the code.