Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

Own Help system in Addon


I need implement own Help in our Addon at F1 key press and ? dialog button. My local help files.
It seems API assumes using only HTML based help system and help anchor text as parameter.

(Although i would like show local CHM file at topic based on help anchor )

There is the function: DGRegisterAdditionalHelpLocation. 
But it doesnot work as I need. Before AC22 I found some trick, but later the function was changed.
Local path and file name passed to the function work only there is no internet access (or may be for offline help mode). Orherwise it go to and then redirect to page with error.

So question.
How to do that at F1 pressing over my dialogs was always opened my local help files.
Independent of internet access or Archicad help mode (online or offline).