Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

Request the model coordinates of the bouniding box of a View

Not applicable
Hi I'm trying to make a drawing title that is used for the grid of a map. I wonder if I can get the world coordinates of the bounding box of the view of the drawing in layout. I'm trying to use AC_DrawingRect but I don't know if it will give me the desired results.
IIRC the 'AC_DrawingRect' refers to the drawing's size (or box or location) in the layout, not the view shown in the drawing.

You need to get the drawing's linked view in the View Map (as API_NavigatorItem). Once you got it use:
    GSErrCode ACAPI_Environment (
        API_NavigatorItem*     navigatorItem,
        API_NavigatorView*     navigatorView
The var 'zoom' in the 'API_NavigatorView' holds the box/coordinates in model space.

As for getting the drawing's linked view... Well I haven't tried getting it but I'm guessing it's in the 'linkGuid' of 'API_DrawingLinkInfo'
    GSErrCode ACAPI_Database (
        const API_Guid*          guid,
        API_DrawingLinkInfo*     drawingLinkInfo
Pass the Guid in the function APIEnv_GetNavigatorItemID then perform the first code above.