Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

Upgrading add-on from ArchiCAD 11 to 14

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I'm currently upgrading an add-on from ArchiCAD 11 to 14 and I want know the fastest way to do this. Maybe there is a way to run version 11 add-ons in ArchiCAD 14 through some legacy API?

At the moment I'm just trying to recompile the code using the v14 API and attempting to fix problems as they arise.

The first problem is the API_LineType struct is missing the info field. What can I use instead to provide info for this element type?

Thanks in advance.
Karl Ottenstein
Add-ons must be compiled with the SDK for each version of ArchiCAD - none can run multi-version. So, recompiling with the 14 SDK is your only option.

Pulled up the 11 and 14 pages for API_LineType and see that the info field is missing in 14. Checked, and it went away in 12 with no explanation. The 11 doc doesn't really explain well what is stored in the field - is it essential for your add-on?

Someone else may know more...

One of the forum moderators
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Thanks Karl. I'm unsure if it is required because I did not write the code for this add-on. I think I will just replace the info field with a blank string and come back to it later once I've had a chance to analyse the other developers code. Perhaps the info field wasn't even being used in earlier versions of the API.
Ralph Wessel
rohin wrote:
Thanks Karl. I'm unsure if it is required because I did not write the code for this add-on. I think I will just replace the info field with a blank string and come back to it later once I've had a chance to analyse the other developers code. Perhaps the info field wasn't even being used in earlier versions of the API.
This field holds the value of the Listing ID shown in the Listing and Labeling section of the settings for some tools. It's been removed for the simple reason that you can't assign a listing ID to a line in ArchiCAD anyway, so you should dispose of that line.
Ralph Wessel BArch
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