The WriteReport function is defined in the APICommon.c file, which contains several helper functions, which are not part of the API itself, but utilize it. It sinply acts as a wrapper over the ACAPI_WriteReport and DBPrintf functions.
The ACAPI_WriteReport function itself has two modes. It either prints its output to the Session Report, or in an alert box.
The DBPrintf function can print output to a Debugger (if one is present and attached), as such, it should only be used for debugging.
The lines starting with # are processed by the C/C++ preprocessor. The most frequent directives are #include, #define, and #if. The latter two are mostly used for conditional compilation.
You can find more information about these directives
If you want to be certain, that you write to the Session Report, you should use ACAPI_WriteReport directly.
Best regards,