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Archicad Python API
About automating tasks in Archicad using the Python API.

Insert wall property on door beloning to wall




Is it possible to retrieve a property from a wall and insert the value of the property on, for example, doors and windows located in that specific wall with a Python Script or is it a limitation of the Python API or even Archicad?


In this case, we want to get the sound reduction property from a wall and push it onto the door belonging to that wall. 


Thanks in advance! 


This is what I have managed so far.
I have managed to extract the GUID from the element and propery with the value. I would just need to move the value from one GUID to another. The challenge is to know which door is in which wall. Maybe impossible... 🤔

import archicad
from archicad import ACConnection
from typing import List

# Etablera en anslutning till Archicad
conn = ACConnection.connect()
if not conn:
    print("Unable to connect to Archicad")
    print("Connection established")

# Få kommandoreferenser
acc = conn.commands
act = conn.types

# Steg 1: Hämta alla property-ID:n och filtrera ut den du vill ha
property_name = "6.3 Ljudreduktion"
property_set = "SS 81 73 40:2021"

# Normalisera strängar för att undvika jämförelseproblem
def normalize_string(s):
    return s.strip().lower()

normalized_property_name = normalize_string(property_name)
normalized_property_set = normalize_string(property_set)

# Hämta alla properties
all_property_ids = acc.GetAllPropertyIds()

# Filtrera efter property set och property name
target_property_id = None
for prop in all_property_ids:
    prop_details = acc.GetDetailsOfProperties([prop])
    prop_definition = prop_details[0].propertyDefinition  # Hämta property definition

    # Jämför nu med '' för property set
    if normalize_string( == normalized_property_set and normalize_string( == normalized_property_name:
        target_property_id = prop

if not target_property_id:
    print(f"Property '{property_name}' under set '{property_set}' not found.")
    # Steg 2: Hämta alla element och deras properties
    elements = acc.GetAllElements()

    for element in elements:
        # Extrahera GUID för elementet
        element_guid = element.elementId.guid
        print(f"Element GUID: {element_guid}")
        # Extrahera elementets property-värde för den specifika property
            property_values = acc.GetPropertyValuesOfElements([element.elementId], [target_property_id])
            if property_values and property_values[0].propertyValues:
                for prop in property_values[0].propertyValues:
                    property_value = prop.propertyValue
                    print(f"  Property Name: {property_name}")
                    # Skriv ut värdet om det inte är tomt
                    if isinstance(property_value, act.NormalStringPropertyValue):
                        if property_value.value:
                            print(f"  Value: {property_value.value}")
                            print(f"  Value is empty for element {element_guid}")
                        print(f"Unhandled property value type for element {element_guid}")
                print("No properties found for this element")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error fetching properties: {e}")

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