We had similar issues here, running AC10 (1183) on Mac OS 10.4.8 machines, even with the 3DS plugin installed. Sometimes, it won't even recognize files as .3DS files to import. Other times, it just crashes.
The issues seem to be:
1. There is no Sketchup plugin for ArchiCAD 10 on the Mac.
2. The 3DS plugin for ArchiCAD 10 (Mac) doesn't work without crashing.
3. Sketchup 6 seems to want to be the Pro version to do import/export very ably.
Our work-around method involves Sketchup and ArchiCAD 9.
1. Import the 3ds model in Sketchup (we are using version 6).
2. Explode it.
3. Edit/groom if needed.
4. Save as a skp file (Must be saved down as skp version 3, 4 or 5, not 6)
5. Open the skp file in Archicad 9. The Sketchup->AC9 plugin can be downloaded from
6. Save as a .pln file.
7. Open the file in Archicad 10.
Then it seems to work.
We just completed some 3D models of ductwork for a repetitive set of dorms for a university project. Found a couple of trouble spots already, saved ourselves probably a day of hold-ups on the site. Well worth it if your project has repeats, but a lot of work for a one-off deal.