sdb wrote:
There are also some VNC apps that link back to your main computer, so you could display ArchiCAD in full, but you would be relying on the speed of your network or internet....
For those that don't know the term VNC - it is a cross platform method for screensharing.
I tried a VNC viewer on my iPad to launch and use ArchiCAD 13 on my Mac Pro desktop over wifi. Very clear image and just made sense to connect to a high horsepower 'server' that was doing the heavy lifting.
The free viewer that I tried did not have the equivalent of a middle button, function keys, etc., so it was a little awkward. I'm probably going to try the $9.99 app from RealVNC which simulates all of these other things, including all of the other keys for Mac or Windows that are missing from the iPad virtual keyboard (e.g., ctrl-alt-del for Windows, opt/cmd Mac, etc.).
For Mac users, VNC is enabled via System Preferences > Sharing. Enable Screen Sharing and under options, enable VNC with a (secure) password.
For Windows users, there are various free VNC servers that you can download.
I thought I saw an article for a VNC server/viewer that could toggle to fill the iPad screen with ONLY the active app window on the remote machine, rather than the whole desktop. Haven't found that, but it would be ideal.
It is cool controlling ArchiCAD (or anything else) via touch instead of a mouse.
(There is no Skype screen sharing or iChat-like screen sharing on the iPad yet that I know of. Hopefully soon.)
Performance over the internet should be adequate. And, since the iPad supports VPN (virtual private network), you should be able to VNC into your remote machine without opening any firewall or router ports other than for the VPN.
I agree with Ralph, of course. Someone looking to the future must start planning for a tablet based viewer and more for ArchiCAD now, so that the software is ready when the faster hardware arrives.
PS A couple of other things about iPad useful for ArchiCAD that people might find interesting. There is an app called air display that lets the iPad become a virtual second monitor for a Mac, which would be really useful for ArchiCAD road warriors with Mac laptops, giving a second screen for palettes/etc when needed. And, the announcement this week that the next release of iBooks will handle PDF files means that all of our ArchiCAD manuals (and Dwight's books) can be loaded into iBooks for reading anywhere, or next to an otherwise small monitor that can only fit ArchiCAD onto comfortably. (Goodreader, or other viewers can be used until then.)
AC 28 USA and earlier • macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB