First of all I would like to apologize maybe this is not the right place to place these kinde of questions. So I started to work for a company to design some Car parts. THey whant me to draw and send to them .dwg .dwx files. So I told to them thet my master softwear is ArchiCAD and i thought that everythign would be ok if I draw in ArchiCAD and just sav them to .dwg that Archicad 18 has, but when I save them to .dwg I loose the sharpnes in the drawing for example the circles are not any more on autocad shown as circles but they are shown as a step by step line is not that smoothe. The pdf file saved from archicad is perfect.Just the dwg file on autocad is not that smothe. So my question is if anyone knows how can I get a perfect .dwg as it shows on archicad I mean how to get perfect circles corners everything like is shown on archicad not some weird cicles.
Sorry for my bad english but I think ull get the point what I ment. If som1 need I can even upload pictures of what I am talking about.