i would appreciate an answer to the reason why i'm not able to recreate what you did...
As you can see in the attached image, i tried to make a stair exactly like yours, but:
1) The parapet wall isn't well connected to the stair, and there are triangular dents
2) The parapet wall at the beginning of the stair is vertical to the stair slab, instead of the ground
3) The parapet wall extends for about 1 metre to the end...
Also another thing, when i open the custom balustrade, the default dimensions are 0.10x0.05, and the balustrade appears slightly deformed, but when i change the dimensions to the actual 0.10x1.00 the balustrade appears completely stretched.
Another question: when creating the slabs for the custom balustrade what is optimal slab thickness to use?
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