You can export an IFC file or excel (save as spreadsheet from an open schedule.
this link.
"Since different parties, using different kinds of software, all need to interact with COBie information, COBie information chan be displayed in a several different formats. All of these formats provide a completely interoperable view of the underlying information specified by COBie. For designers, COBie can be created using a "Save As..." and selecting the IFC file format. Builders may want to use specialized commercial software to update the COBie data with manufacture's information, or directly enter information in a spreadsheet display of COBie data. Facility operators can import COBie data, formatted in either IFC or spreadsheet, directly into asset and maintenance data."
Architect, Consultant
MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch Yosemite 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Mac OSX 10.11.1
Onuma System
"Implementing Successful Building Information Modeling"