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Collaboration with other software
About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.

Deliberate IfcElementAssembly Type mapping at a component level


The geometry of an IfcElementAssembly is generally formed from its components. 

As Architects performing our activity globally, the type of projects and their scope have several ways of doing.


The following image shows an example of how Architects in some projects need to build Windows by components instead of a single element mapped to IfcWindow. Considering also the rise of standards such as the Level Of Information Need ( ISO/DIS 7817 - Building information modelling — Level of information need — Concepts and principles ... might provide the backbone of generating geometry and adding information in a more flexible way. 



Image credits: BIMcollab and Menno Mekkes (Netherlands)


Are there some insights on that? I didn't see this on the new public roadmap (which, by the way, I congratulate GS fo

David Delgado Vendrell
i7-7820HK CPU 2,90GHz 32GB RAM
Triple Monitor 17"+25"+32" Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080
SSD+HDD, Win10 Home - 64 ENG
AC18-AC28 INT/SPA (64-bit, latest build)
Surfing with Archicad since 2013
Abraham Smith

Brilliant! also add an image of Menno Mekkes that I modified to better explain.


Captura de Pantalla 2023-05-17 a la(s) 18.03.49.png


Other options:

IfcCurtainWall->IfcRelDecomposes->IfcDoor / IfcWindow / IfcMember / etc.

IfcGroup->IfcRelAssingToGroup->IfcDoor / IfcWindow / IfcMember / etc.


I would say that the ideal would not be at the component level, rather at the group/system level (IFC project manager window). maybe both.


Captura de Pantalla 2023-05-17 a la(s) 18.41.46.png

BIM Manager

We need to move this request and gain more popularity among the community if we really want it as something to be considered in the future or the Ideas Pool roadmap.

David Delgado Vendrell
i7-7820HK CPU 2,90GHz 32GB RAM
Triple Monitor 17"+25"+32" Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080
SSD+HDD, Win10 Home - 64 ENG
AC18-AC28 INT/SPA (64-bit, latest build)
Surfing with Archicad since 2013

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