I don't know if this will answer your question, but I've already typed it all out and I ain't gonna waste it.

This produces a grid with schedule information inside... which is what you're looking for, yes? Rather than just a listing? Anyway...
In the Navigator, under "Schedules", then "element", select any existing schedule. In schedule window, in upper right corner, select "Scheme Settings". I can't remember if you can click "new schedule" and then edit it, or if you edit it and then click "new schedule" to save it. You may want to create a new schedule, back out of the whole schedule editing thing, and then open that particular schedule from the navigator, and then edit the scheme settings.
Scheme settings is where you tell your schedule what you want it to show.
Under "criteria", the element type value should be Zones (or fills, walls, windows, doors, etc).
"fields" will show the available parameters both in general and for the specific element type(s) you've elected to show. They will appear in the schedule in the order you've listed them (you can re-order the schedule with the wee up/down arrows to the left of each entry). Select the parameters for Zones, and then add "ID", "Area", and whatever other information you wish to show in the schedule (finishes, etc... ).
OK the scheme settings, and then you can edit the schedule itself fairly directly.
It's tricky to link headers and use the headline settings, but after flipping all the switches and pushing all the buttons for a half hour, you should be able to manipulate it into the schedule you're looking for. Mostly.
Make sure your border color and text color are not set to white. Why my machine defaulted to that I have no idea, but it had me stumped for almost an hour.