Hello, I am finally getting a good robust selection of custom objects that I've built for our office. I have a project that I am personally working on where I am testing a lot of these objects where I verify they work properly, so I am often reloading our library in that particular project. Let say I'm working on a drawing and I have different objects places, for example there are multiple object As, and object, Bs. I reload my library because I've made changes to object A. Once the library is reloaded all the object Bs have turned into object As.
Our library is stored on our BIMcloud, I have separate files where I do all my GDL work and overwrite the existing library part file on our company server. Then I update the BIMcloud library from the folder on the server. The particular object where this seems to be happening are variations of each other, and I originally started with Object A, then long after did a save as to create Object B. I really would like to figure out what is causing this, so I can let everyone else start using these objects and not worry that I will ruin work by updating the library.
Operating system used: Windows Windows 10
MAC OS Monterey AC27