If you want 100% fidelity of complex connections such as SEO's, complex wall junctions and the new AC17 Building Material-based Priority Based Junctions then you need to use the BREP Export option in the IFC translator.
This will ensure your model geometry is correct when imported into coordination software such as Navis or Solibri, as well as other authoring applications such as Revit.
There are however downsides to BREPs in IFC2x3 including:
1. Elements are imported into Revit as in-place massings rather than parametric elements. Usually no big deal if you follow the 'reference model' approach to coordination, however it does make graphical control by the receiver more difficult
2. Element relationships may not be supported. One that comes to mind is that Doors/Windows in BREP Walls are no longer hosted by the wall but become 'free-standing' Doors/Windows, so you cannot for example use a model checker to ensure certain wall types only have certain door types used in them (e.g Fire Walls & Fire Rated Doors). Its an IFC Implementers Agreement which i don't think was thought through properly .. and will become increasingly relevant to ArchiCAD users due to AC17's PBJ's requiring BREP method to export.
Owen Sharp
Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp
iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5