There's no template that i know of --- YET --- Some may incorporate into theirs.
If you can create two option properties -- one (usage) to select the application and one (Space Ratio) to select the factor.
Then create a expression with the following code:
ROUNDUP ( IF ( {Property:Parking Cals/Usage} = "Retail", ( {Property:Zone/Calculated Area} / 1 ft2 ) * STRTONUM ( {Property:Parking Cals/Space Ratio} ), IF ( {Property:Parking Cals/Usage} = "Office", ( {Property:Zone/Calculated Area} / 1 ft2 ) * STRTONUM ( {Property:Parking Cals/Space Ratio} ), 0 ) ), 0 )
Set all classifications to the same value -- i.e. space
if your still confused - I'll offer a 'goto' web meeting if you send me your e-mail?
Note: Zones can not use labels - use the zone stamp or schedules.
Windows 11 - Visual Studio 2022; ArchiCAD 27