I have saved a Plotmaker layout as a dwg file with the default translator. There was only one plotmaker drawing on the page, with a titleblock. The drawing was set at 1/8" scale. I then sent it to the client, who tried to open it in Autocad 2000. She said it just came in as a little dot.
She said she worked in modelspace.
I then saved a copy of the default translator in Plotmaker and changed the setting from paperspace to modelspace. She still had the same problem. She sent me a dwg copy of what her file looked like. It had her title block at normal size, with my drawing as a postage stamp sized drawing on the page.
I have sent dwg files to other Autocad users and have not had this problem.
Any idea what either of us may be doing wrong?
I'm still using Archicad 9.0 and plotmaker 9.0.
Thank you.