Fabrizio wrote:
Dear Thomas,
I checked your mesh and, sorry to say this, the ArchiTerra result is correct!
I don’t know which method you used to build this mesh...Friendly,
Dear Fabrizio,
I obviously cannot complain about your support! I do appreciate all help!
But, I respectfully disagree.
The conversion result might be correct as to Architerra's logic, but I think an add-on should respect the master program's logic, which means that an imported and not edited object should by default look the same (and appear at the same location) as in the master program.
If what you've found are problems or faults in the Archicad-created mesh, it's obvious that Archicad handles them without issues when displaying the mesh. I think the Architerra add-on should do the same. But of course it would be nice to have reports and options to correct problems if they exist. Francisco's method isn't self-evident for an occasional user.
I do agree, however, that Archicad's mesh editing options are poor, and do need som attention from Graphisoft - the wishlist has several suggestions already. If Graphisoft are not interested, I think better mesh editing options within Architerra is an obvious development goal!
Edited: I should add /remind you of/ that I discovered the issue you mention (some zero height points along the perimeter) after I'd imported the terrain into Architerra. But instead of using Francesco's method, I tried to edit the height of each point using Architerra's point height tool. That didn't work at all, as I described before. I still don't know why.
For your information, the mesh was created in two stages.
First I simply traced a scanned contour map (1m equidistance), manually creating polylines for each contour. Then I followed the procedure outlined in
http://www.graphisoft.com/support/archicad/archiguide/surveyordrawings.html from step 4 and on.
Later, I got a 2D DWG contour map that I received from the local community authorities. It had 500 mm equidistance, and as I needed this level of detail, I imported the 2D dwg and added the extra contours to the mesh, using the same procedure as above.
I have no knowledge of doubling any contours or the outline. I do agree that something might have happened anyway - you do repeat the same procedure a lot of times, and things happen. Also, weird things sometimes happen when you try to move a node or another in the mesh. Of course, such things should not happen when you use standard procedures.
To my knowledge, I haven't grouped the mesh with or without anything else. When i exported it, I just clicked on one edge or node to select it and then "Save selection as module".
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