2011-01-07 10:08 PM
2011-01-08 07:51 PM
2011-01-08 10:56 PM
Erika wrote:It's for reasons like this that I always recommend to my clients to review all the layouts (in ArchiCAD and/or as PDF depending on the circumstances) before printing anything (other than internal review sets. There are so many things that can go wrong with all the steps and functions that we rely on to get the job done that it is foolish to assume that everything will be OK.
As frustrating as what you describe is, this kind of problem has happened to all users of software. We still need to check our work before it goes out for print. Whose job was it to check the pdf files before they were printed? This should be part of your office protocol.
And to help your firm as well as others using Archicad[Graphisoft], try to figure out how the problem happened. Perhaps it was user error? Did someone accidentally select all the doors when changing ONE DOOR to "custom"? Maybe someone made this error, corrected it but forgot to update the schedule in the layout book?
Was it the result of the hotfix being applied? etc.
No program and certainly no user, is infallible.
2011-01-09 06:35 PM
2012-04-23 02:06 AM