And from the equine's mouth:
The method is actually quite simple. You take your model and view it in a 3D window and then you save the file in a .vrml format
I did a model that I created on an old mill building that I did rennovations on. It created the .vrml file simply and the file took with it all my colors, textures, etc. You can also use an old feature of Archicad to split the model on the x,y or z-axis so the model can be printed in sections and pieced together. The first model we printed on the Z-Corp printer came out amazingly well. It was a bit too detailed for the size I created, so I had to split my model into 2 sections and reprint it. The model is very cool, accurate and shows a lot of detail inside and out .
I'm reprinting it again and I could send you a picture of it if you want... let me know.
My company (Macdac Engineering) sells the Z-Corp printer line. Can you list my information below on the forum?
In addition, we may start working with Greg Conyngham to do training seminars in Somers, CT in the old mill building I created the model for.
Ralph P. Guisti
V.P. Operations
Macdac Engineering
27 Quality Avenue
Somers, CT 06071
ph: (860) 749-5544 x100
fx: (860) 749-5373
Dwight Atkinson