11 hours ago - last edited 10 hours ago
We are facing an issue when the IFCflowfitting elements are converted into Duct fitting elements, but the IFCflowsegment elements are converted into Equipment instead of Ducts on IFC import:
We are using Archicad 25 currently, but I checked Archicad 26, and it is the same there.
Archicad 27 seems a bit better in this:
Although not all of the IFCflowsegment and IFCflowfitting elements turned into ducts:
And the MAIN PROBLEM is that neither the equipment nor the Duct IFCflowsegment elements can have an offset from the home story (although it is elevated from the Home Story), so we can't hide them using the Floor plan cut plane settings:
I used the "Parametric Construction and MEP elements" settings, where the Distribution elements are turning into "MEP elements, otherwise Objects"
Operating system used: Windows 11
10 hours ago
If it has been fixed in 27 then that is your solution.
25 will not receive any more updates or fixes.
So unless it is a setting in the IFC translator that you can tweak, I am afraid there will be nothing you can do in 25.
26 is probably in the same boat.
Only 27 and 28 will be getting any updates.