This is a nice tip that was posted as a comment in the Wishlist:
Kudos to @Moreno for the tip.
Let me copy-paste the full text of the post here for easy reference:
This is one way we export it in IFC, with the "Participate in Collision Detection" option.
Open "Building Materials" and set "Participates in Collision Detection" to "OFF" for the Building Material.
In IFC translator, Geometry Conversion settings:
"Export only geometries which 'Participate in Collision Detection'" --> set to "ON"
So, what the above achieves is: the core of composites and complex profiles will not be exported in the IFC file if
Of course, if you want to export IFC this way, and you also perform collision detection, then I would suggest quickly changing the above Building Material setting before exporting/publishing to IFC, then changing it back so it continues to correctly in Collision Detection.