2008-12-01 02:26 AM
2008-12-01 03:28 AM
2008-12-01 03:38 AM
2008-12-01 10:14 AM
2008-12-01 08:14 PM
Rob wrote:You're welcome ... and note that zones normally do not show in the 3D window. You have to go to Elements to Show in 3D (I think that's what it is called) and check the box for zones. Then you can see them both for trimming in 3D and to verify that they are set properly, perhaps by bold-marqueeing your building to verify that the zones fill all of the room volumes.
Thanks Karl.
Seems I had set the heights manually OK but had not initiated the update. Now its all OK.
I'll check out the solid element operation and look for the trim zone command because that will be appropriate for some zones.
Thanks again
2008-12-02 09:28 AM