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Collaboration with other software
About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.

files exchange (maxonform to AR 12 )?

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Hi hopefully someone could help me with this , as you know the direct link to export files from archicad to maxonform it is no longer available on AR version 12 , but it does exist some other way to exchange maxonform ( not C4D ) to archicad 12 files ? i mean externally ?. plk

Fran_ois Chatelain
Holà 3djunior,
if you want to go from MF to AC12, you'll have to use a previous version af AC (maybe 9 or 10) as a link between the two.
And if you want to go the full way AC12-MF-AC12, save the elements as DXF from AC12 3d window, edit to your heart content in MF, copy from MF, open a new AC9/10 file, select create a new MF object from the tools menu, paste the edited MF objects, send back to AC9/10 and save the resulting gsm file in the appropriate library. Reload your libraries in AC12 and use the new object. Piece of cake 😉 Wasn't that easy? Errrrr...
Hope this works for you.
François Chatelain
Worldwide Digital Imaging
Formerly posting as RanXerox
"A little bump will help blur your reflections"
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Hi Francois , thank you very much for this useful info , i have to say i still dont have upgrade archicad 11 to 12 , this info will help me to take this decition.

Fran_ois Chatelain
Hi 3djunior,
I upgraded from 9 to 12 just a few months ago, knowing too well that the longer I wait the more expensive it would be
The procedure described below is far from user friendly, but it does work quite well (I use it pretty much daily).
I wish it would be a lot easier (read please someone upgrade the *@! plugin), but I think we're out of luck on this one. Which is quite unfortunate considering the original price tag of MaxonForm.
Oh well, at least we can share the life experience of lemons and cows
François Chatelain
Worldwide Digital Imaging
Formerly posting as RanXerox
"A little bump will help blur your reflections"
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Hi Francois, i really apreciate this info , ok i dont have jump from 11 to 12 yet , only because this little problem , may be i have to do so , before AR version 13 show up on the market and have to pay twice , i dont know,, as iam an, freelance architect trying to work of my own , some times is very difficult to me go side by side with this year or half year upgrades , i really dont like the way how maxonform was put out of the market , only to force all of us to get the C4D , and taking our maxons for a half of the original price , that is not fair buddy , i mean ,i really want to update to C4D , i really want to update to AR 12 , but please Nemecheck -Graphisoft help your customers , may be icluding maxonform in AR 13 or latest versions , or taking our maxon total cost to can upgrade to C4D , that is a fair trade.this offer a grat options to go on the way , well may be i have to write this on the wishes forum
Fran_ois Chatelain
Hi 3djunior,
you know, I gained absolutely nothing in my workflow by upgrading from 9 to 12, zero, nada... well, actually one thing, the complex profiles. But I still feel I upgraded before I had to rob a bank to afford it. I'm a freelancer too, doing exclusively 3D work.
MaxonForm is a fantastic and powerful little application that provides all that's missing in AC in terms of putting some life in library parts, and that works very well as a file translator. I do have well over 1GB of library parts created with it.
And I fear the worst with the next AC upgrade, in that GS might decide to stop supporting the export function to ElectricImage, the equally all important application in my workflow.
I don't want to speculate over how and why MaxonForm development has been canned, I just think it's a shame that useful tools are abandonned so easily, without a single thought about people actually using it.
Not ranting here, just feeling a tad offset from the reality of brute business r&d.
François Chatelain
Worldwide Digital Imaging
Formerly posting as RanXerox
"A little bump will help blur your reflections"
Not applicable
Hi , i agree with you , i dont know if this decitions taken by Nemechek - graph , are the best , i mean they have a very hard competition from Autodesk autocad -revit ,and rhino 3d , wich will be available for MAC osx very soon, in fact here in Mexico or even US architectural market , in almost 90% architectural offices wants proficiency on autocad..maya,,revit,,rhino etc , so as you can see it is really hard to me to get a job , because only a few offices could need archicad users , and not to mention the lowest prices on this softwares rhino it could cost about 995 usd vs C4D that cost 2.200 usd aprox , so finally i could think Nemeschek would respond to the american market with better and competitive prices including more options for design (free form design ) on his sofwares instead , remove the very few that they offer to us