2007-09-28 02:21 AM
2007-09-28 02:48 AM
2007-09-28 02:58 AM
2007-09-28 03:02 AM
2007-09-28 08:01 AM
2007-09-28 09:45 AM
vango wrote:Sorry I didn't understand that your question was THAT basic. By "compare" I thought you meant checking one design that you did against another that you've also done. THe Trace feature in AC11 is very flexible, you can compare almost anything to whatever else. Just save views, if necessary use Worksheets.
i have a blank screen - what am i using trace on? should i start with the zone tool and setup the spaces, lxwxd or slab or what?
2007-09-28 09:32 PM
2007-09-29 03:13 AM
vango wrote:cadimage's 'Site and Massing' tools have a feature whereby building masses can be converted into slabs and walls for continued design.
...anyone know of training that directly addresses layout out spaces (zones) and conitnues on into 3-d massing and schematic design?
2007-10-02 05:40 AM
~/archiben wrote:nice looking Zone materials there Ben
zones. with coloured glass materials (to match their category colour if you feel so inclined! )
2007-10-03 09:33 AM
~/archiben wrote:Very sweet materials indeed. Would you like to share the settings? I can't reproduce it!? I guess it's also the settings for the internal engine that does it and I can't get it to look as good as yours.Mats
zones. with coloured glass materials (to match their category colour if you feel so inclined! )