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Archiving - Bug or Bone-Head?

Not applicable
I just ran into a problem with my archiving system and I am wondering if I have found a Plotmaker bug or if I am doing something fundamentally wrong (bug or bone-head).

I have been archiving our projects in the following manner:
- I save the ArchiCAD Teamwork file to a PLA file to an archive directory.
- In the PlotMaker layout book I unlink all the drawings, schedules, etc. to ensure they are "frozen".
- I "Save As" the PlotMaker layout file to the archive directory.
- I print the whole layout file to PDF for an "electronic hardcopy".
- All of this gets moved to CD-ROM for storage

Anyway the problem I ran into was need to go back to an old archive (the permit set) and reissue certain sheets (nasty building inspector).
I could easily update the PLA file, but when I went to PlotMaker maker to re-link the edited PLA file to to the layout, PlotMaker would not allow me to select any file types (the "OK" button would never light up and all the files shown where grayed out so they could not be selected). I also tried with PLC's and PLN's.

In the end I could not find any way of reestablishing the links. I did not want to re-import all he drawings a mess with my layout. I had to resort to manually editing the PlotMaker PMK's.

Is there a better way? Thanks in advance.