Joseph wrote:
A simple mistake I made, even embarecing.
I had not updated my Layout, as the result the placed markers on the plan was not reflecting on the referenced layout; so no Reference to go back to 
Another cause for failed backreferencing I just discovered is through linking an elevation to the wrong version of a placed plan drawing.
If several copies of a plan are placed in a plan layout (for example, I often crop out and move a copy of the north point to another part of the layout, when this helps me to shuffle other things around on the sheet. As effectively another placed instance of the plan on the same layout, this becomes a back referencing accident waiting to happen.
It seems as if the placed drawing copy you linked the marker to was the wrong one, or was one that happens to have trimmed the relevant marker out of the clipping polygon (as in this example), things get confused.
It also seems that equally just by selecting a number of placed drawings and doing a global change to their title style (applying a favourite for example), you can similarly damage the relationship between drawings, saved views, and plan view markers for some of them.
It seems to be quite difficult to fix this bad links issue once it occurs - even deleting, regenerating and reinstating the placed elevation and plan drawings from the plan and elevation layouts does not seem to help. There seems to be some sort of persistent/remembered relationship that re-emerges even when new version of the saved views are placed on the layout
The only (nasty) workaround I have found to kill this unwanted/bad link is to open the offending elevation saved view, save a new view from it and place that view on the elevation layout sheet - then go back and delete the already placed version on the layout, and delete the original saved view.
Sadly, even with a new copy of the saved view to relink to, relinking the original already placed drawing to the new saved view copy does not help - you have to positively delete that bad link drawing and place a new drawing linked to the new saved view.
Things you can do to minimise recurrence of the issue:- if you have placed multiple copies of the same drawing, give each one a unique and descriptive custom name in drawing properties, and set only one of the copies to 'include in ID sequence' if you can (choose the one where the relevant elevation markers are visible in the placed drawing). This means when you first set up a back reference in the drawing title, you can only link to the right one.
Even then you may need to mess around relinking markers in plan to the new saved views or vice versa, and in the process, some seem to loose back referencing ability again - no obvious pattern or sequence of actions I have seen reveals why one works and the one next to it does not.
Tricks here include selecting the plave plan view marker and toggling it between source marker vs linked marker type, make a small geometric change in the floor plan view (to force a proper regen of associated placed drawing & thus visible markers in the drawing) than regen the elevation layout ... and various other permutations and combinations, until something randomly works.
Anyone who has successfully overcome all this more elegantly, especially once a wrong link has already been made, please let me know!
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