It is possible to use the marquee tool to re-stretch walls to a specific position relative to another point, which will enable you to manually re-enter in a nice round figure. The attached image describes the process.
Make sure you have both the tracker and 'suspend groups' turned on beforehand.
- 1. Select the marquee tool - choose thin to adjust only the storey you are on, or thick to adjust all storeys. Draw a marquee over the wall you want to move.
2. Select stretch command (ctrl H)
3. Click point on wall to be moved.
4. Hover over the point you want to measure from.
5. Type in the distance you want the first point to be from the second point. A 'minus'* afterwards moves the wall down or to the left, whilst a 'plus' afterwards moves upwards or to the right. Hit return to confirm.
6. Finished!
This process will also stretch any other geometry in the marqueed area at the same time (like slabs, roofs, beams etc) that are turned on and not locked, but it wont stretch library parts (like doors and windows) so these will have to be adjusted manually afterwards.
*You will have to type in a double minus (--) if you are using feet and inches.
Hope that helps.