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Drawing List double naming drawings

Brad Elliott
I am trying to use the Drawing List in AC10 but have a vexing problem. The sheet gets called out for every drawing placed on it. So if I have two elevations on my elevation sheet I get

A-201 Elevations
A-201 Elevations

which creates a cluttered Drawing List. How do I set this to show only one sheet no matter how many drawings are placed on it?
Mac OS12.6 AC26 USA Silicon
M1 Macbook Pro
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Are you sure it's not a Sheet Index you're after? This will list all the sheets, not drawings (placed on those sheets). What is it you're trying to do exactly?

Brad Elliott
Well, thats what I thought I wanted but I am unable to get sheet numbers to show up in that index. Even after turning on all of the parameters. I assume I am missing something obvious.
Mac OS12.6 AC26 USA Silicon
M1 Macbook Pro
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
You will be able to list the layout ID's, assuming your layouts have their ID's assigned to them. Make sure your subset has ID's activated and do the same for your layouts (if they don;t show numbers in the Layout Map then they don't!)

To check your schedule is calling out ID's, all you need to do is activate the Sheet Index (or create your own). Hit the Index Settings... button and under the Fields tab chose ID from the list under Layout and hit the >>Add>> button at the bottom.

Try all that, if you haven't already. You can also start a new file from the ArchiCAD 10 Template.tpl and check the settings of it's Sheet Index.

[Edit]: Never mind .. read it again and was going to delete this but someone posted to quickly.

You don't have any duplicated Layout Subsets do you?

I made a copy of my subsets used for Markups (Mark-Ups turned on under Model View Options) and had these duplicate layout names in the drawing list. I just removed my Markup Subset from the schedule criteria.

Owen Sharp

Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp

iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5
Brad Elliott
Well, you led me in the right direction. All the ID's were properly activated. What happened is the first thing I did was create a new Sheet Index so I wouldn't screw up the default one. When I did that an Add Project Index window pops up. At the top is a Use With line that selects View, Layout, Drawing lists. Assuming it defaulted correctly I didn't touch it. However, it just defaults to View. At that point I was stuck. It didn't even occur to me to check the default index, but it worked fine. This time I created a new Layout list and it works fine.
Mac OS12.6 AC26 USA Silicon
M1 Macbook Pro