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Line Types - Insulation

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I use the line tool to show wall insulation in details but the line type that exists in the group of selections draws the insulation out from the center. It would be more useful if the insulation symbol occurred on one side or the other of the the line drawn similar to the line used to show the ground. Is there a way to create a line with the symbols to the side of the line?

David Rulon
Dell Athalon xp1500 533mb ram
Windows 2000
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
When you create the elements for the line, place them relative to project 0,0. This is where the 'center' will be! Then you can copy and paste it into a new linetype.

Not applicable
I tried what you suggested but the line still is centered on the symbol. I must be doing something wrong. Do I need to copy the lines and arcs from the plan window or can an elevation or detail window work. Does the origin need to be absolute or can it be a relative origin. I used to be able to find the absolute origin by placing a relative origin on a hotspot and then erasing the hotspot and then the relative origin. That does not seem to work any more in the plan window. How do you now find the absolute origin? Thanks for your help.
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
To reset your user origin back to the project origin, simply double click on your user origin button, which is by default in the bottom left of your coordinate box.

This shouldn't matter when it comes to creating a linetype though, as the center of the line is determined by the origin location when the line elements are copied to the clipboard. If you want your insulation to appear on the 'upper' side of the vector you chose to create it with, then simply move all of you line elements so that they sit on and above (in the y direction) of your origin. See the attached image.

The hardest part in creating a linetype is getting it to scale correctly. Here's a little help guide - hope you can get your head around it!:


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Thanks for the help and the tip regarding the project origin. I will need to work on creating the line types.
Not applicable
In my experience it is the temporary user origin that must be moved to the side that you want to reference from. Heres one for the wish list - allow us to draw lines that reference the center or either side with some toggle switch that we can change on the fly.