About building parametric objects with GDL.


Are there one, or more, real (long) tutorials to learn GDL? Watching a video tutorial to learn how to use it will be great. And not just to make a cube in the 3D view!
If it doesn't exist, wouldn't there be one of you who could do it? I think we are very much in the hope of that.
Self-study is great, except when you don't know how to start.
Thank you in advance
Have a good day
Architecte DPLG (France) / Architect ARB (Uk)
ArchiCAD 6.5 to 22
iMac OS 10.15.1 / i5 4 cores/ 16 Go RAM
Tour PC Win 10 / i7-8700 6 cores / 64 Go RAM
Artlantis 2020 / Twinmotion 20.2
Hi. I have a lot of experience writing GDL - my first try was in time on ArchiCAD 6.0 - about 20 years ago.
I can teach you. Write me in PM, we can discuss how to organise lessons.
Aaron Bourgoin
The GDL Cookbook is something to look at. It's a structured course, starts with the fundamentals and builds on them in a sound, progressive way.
Think Like a Spec Writer
AC4.55 through 28 / USA AC27-6010 USA
Rhino 8 Mac
MacOS 15.2
I just started breaking things, once I found where I broke what I dove in.
Reverse engineering is the best teacher other than trial and error.
I started coding about 5 years ago, and now my entire library other than furniture is my own.
Honestly start with since v6 polyline, if you can wrap your head around the loops you will unlock infinite possibilities

I also recommend diving right into groups and gosubs.
Not applicable
Another great source is the "GDL Handbook" from the legendary Andrew Watson. I think he still works for Central Innovation (Former Cadimage). Yes. "GDL Cookbook" is the first base in the GDL world. But with "GDL Handbook" you will do a giant leap.
SenecaDesignLLC wrote:
I just started breaking things, once I found where I broke what I dove in.
Reverse engineering is the best teacher other than trial and error.
I started coding about 5 years ago, and now my entire library other than furniture is my own.
Honestly start with since v6 polyline, if you can wrap your head around the loops you will unlock infinite possibilities

I also recommend diving right into groups and gosubs.
Amen to this post! this is exactly how I learnt, reverse engineering with the GDL User Guide by my side. I have now be coding GDL for 19 years and full time for 13 years so I would say I learnt it well this way.
Also the comment on the polyline, loops and gosubs is spot on; you will need array knowledge to reach the "infinite possibility" level at that is what the polyline should give you.

I have been considering doing a GDL training series of videos but have not found the time with all the other GDL work and demo clips I do. I might do a couple videos and see if enough people are interested.
Creator of Cadswift's parametric GDL libraries
Creator of Infinite Openings and Component Catalogues
Push the envelope & watch it bend

I found those links for 3 books of David Nicholson-Cole, writer:

- GDL Cookbook 3.01, published 2001 for ArchiCAD 7 although much of it is still relevant today, GDL hasn't changed so much in the years:

- Introduction to Object Making with ArchiCAD , he wrote this in 2004 for Graphisoft. In case it ceases to be available on their website, it is also here. Although written for AC 9, there is nothing significantly changed at the beginner level for today's Archicad user.


A bit difficult for me who is French; I would preferred videos.... but I'll try lol...
Architecte DPLG (France) / Architect ARB (Uk)
ArchiCAD 6.5 to 22
iMac OS 10.15.1 / i5 4 cores/ 16 Go RAM
Tour PC Win 10 / i7-8700 6 cores / 64 Go RAM
Artlantis 2020 / Twinmotion 20.2
A_ Smith
I'd love to see Kristian Bursell tutorials...

till then Cookbook4
and some videos - they are mostly interested in their add-on, nevertheless have a couple of videos with ordinary gdl

and you could try to look somewhere "GDL Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Creating Powerful ArchiCAD Objects"

on youtube there is a bit too
1. JayGee's beginner
2. gdl bible (guy has no respect to religion i guess..) - not structured and ackward
AC 22, 24 | Win 10
If you understand Spanish, Learning Archicad has some videos on GDL. For example:

Windows 10