Just about done With my new window. I am adding the same code to my
cabinets, doors, door panels, Closet shelving etc!! and it works great
with my wall accessories! https://youtu.be/t1UpKiRUZDU Operating system
used: Windows
how does everyone deliver quantity data?is it just in Archicad?do you
use an estimator?how long does it take for someone to quantify a plan?i
realize these are super generic, but im just trying to get a feel for
how much time is spent doing these thi...
so i used to offer all my objects for free. I still do mostly. but for
anyone who has the links to my libraries, email or pm me as i will not
allow the download otherwise. I say this as i have had several requests
the last couple of weeks. and just w...
Why is there not a sub forum for every post related to really old
versions of AC? there should be some sort of filter or something to
eradicate versions that technically wont run on today's computers. we
have a filter for most liked or most viewed bu...
I have to fix a couple of smaller bugs but once I do I'll post it for
everyone. I'm going to give it for free with minor limitations and
locked code, but anyone willing to provide feedback and or donate to my
gdl work will get code access and the abi...
The advantage of breaking it apart is that when it comes to curves tubes
have to be segmented. so looping the tube points initially and
segmenting will make that easier if it's something that will eventually
need to be used