About building parametric objects with GDL.

Combining multiple library elements into one


Hello. Tell me how you can combine several library elements into one, like fences. And will it be possible to display these elements separately from each other in the catalog?


Accepted Solutions
Pertti Paasky

You can call objects by name (macro call). If You want to show them separately in a catalog (listing?) then the objects can be positioned as required. For example in listing mode You show only one example of the items there exists. But this method does not explode the object into separate objects. 

Try these commands

GLOB_VIEW_TYPE type of current view 

• 2 - 2D (Floor Plan)
• 3 - 3D
• 4 - Section
• 5 - Elevation
• 6 - 3D Document
• 7 - Detail
• 8 - Layout
• 9 - Calculation


GLOB_PREVIEW_MODE type of current preview
• 0 - None
• 1 - Dialog
• 2 - Listing
• 3 - Favorite saving

- AC-24 FIN - WIN 10 - HP Zbook -
“A winner is just a loser who tried one more time.”
George M. Moore, Jr.

View solution in original post

Pertti Paasky

You can call objects by name (macro call). If You want to show them separately in a catalog (listing?) then the objects can be positioned as required. For example in listing mode You show only one example of the items there exists. But this method does not explode the object into separate objects. 

Try these commands

GLOB_VIEW_TYPE type of current view 

• 2 - 2D (Floor Plan)
• 3 - 3D
• 4 - Section
• 5 - Elevation
• 6 - 3D Document
• 7 - Detail
• 8 - Layout
• 9 - Calculation


GLOB_PREVIEW_MODE type of current preview
• 0 - None
• 1 - Dialog
• 2 - Listing
• 3 - Favorite saving

- AC-24 FIN - WIN 10 - HP Zbook -
“A winner is just a loser who tried one more time.”
George M. Moore, Jr.
Peter Baksa

An lcf library could also be a catalog, the object settings dialog shows the different elements.

If you want it to be one gsm, use UI_INFIELD to show previews which the user can click.

Péter Baksa
Software Engineer, Library
Graphisoft SE, Budapest