Yes it is possible but not easy. The only pointers I can give you are:
- If possible create the required plan drawing using 2D tools like POLY2_B in the 2D script
- If you have to use Project2, use the Project2{4} version
- You will need to use REQUEST to extract the fill & pen settings from the used material.
Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)
Also there is a bug in PROJECT2{4} that will prevent you from showing the BMat correctly, you will need to do that by looping through all different used BMats.
Don't use project2, it slows the regeneration.
Use the request function to get the material settings.
Then apply them to a poly2_b command.
Creator of Cadswift's parametric GDL libraries
Creator of Infinite Openings and Component Catalogues
Push the envelope & watch it bend
Kristian wrote:
Don't use project2, it slows the regeneration.
It's true. But sometimes you have a complicated object that's hard/impossible to draw a projection of it with help of poly. Idk if it's a good solution, but in such situations I tend to use project2{4} with parameters resolution=6. Where resolution is a parameters that sets resol in 3D script (for instance it could be 24 - high detalization for 3D).