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How to save an info from external text to a parameter?

A_ Smith
I was trying to save text (numbers in text files are string type) to parameter. I've created parameter "x" - text array. Didn't change it, so x[1] = ""

Master script

dim x[5][5]
for i=1 to 5
	for j=1 to 5
	next j
next i

ch=OPEN("text",”voda.txt”,"separator='\t', mode=ro, Library")
	nr=INPUT(ch, iLine, 1, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5)
	WHILE nr>-1 DO	!just to limit, original text filex has >50 rows
			if nr then
				x[iLine][1] = v1
				x[iLine][2] = v2	
				x[iLine][3] = v3	
				x[iLine][4] = v4	
				x[iLine][5] = v5
				add2 0, -1	!empty row
			nr=INPUT(ch, iLine, 1, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5)

for iLine=1 to 5
	for j=1 to 5
		text2 5*(j-1),1-iLine,x[iLine]
	next j
next iLine

x[1][1]="a b c"	!without it X_array stays empty; with it x[1][1] is overwritten and first column and row stays empty, BUT rest values are correct. why ?!!
parameters x=x
but idk why "parameters x=x" has no effect. I mean when I check "x" parameter it remains empty (if comment x[1][1]='abc'). Because after closing reading the file text2 cycles show proper values in 2D view (without it I'd think that code is wrong and it even didn't read the file). So array should have correct values, I guess.

0	4	6	8	10
1	0,22	0,28	0,33	0,39
2	0,23	0,29	0,34	0,40
3	0,25	0,30	0,36	0,42
4	0,26	0,32	0,38	0,44
AC 22, 24 | Win 10

Accepted Solutions
Jochen Suehlo
If ArchiCAD detects both strings and numbers in the text import, it stops the import.
Please try the following: replace all fields with strings, e.g. #1 insted of 1.
After the import you can split #1 to 1 again.
For some reason the TEXT Addon cannot handle mixed Vartypes.
Jochen Suehlo . AC12-27 . MAC OSX 14.4 . WIN11
GDL object creation: b-prisma.de

View solution in original post

I think I know why. Because when text add-on reads txt file, it interpreters somehow zero as nothing. That means 0 in txt file will not be converted into '0' string but into ''.
I faced to that problem several years ago (this why I don't remember all details of it). Was something like if I save 0 into txt - this value was skipped and in total I received less fields and couldn't read from txt these values back. The solution was to detect zero and record instead 'null'.
A_ Smith
I'm afraid not Zero causes the problem. After editing text file (instead of 0 -> 10), nothing has changed. I still can't save all data, just part of it - without 1st column and row.
For simplisity I've reduced size of text file to share here. The original one has [54][21]. And turns out if the text file has "0", array saves it indeed as empty string. If it has "0,00" array will has "0,00" also. In this case it's not a problem that array has some cells with empty strings, but that I can't save 1st column and 1st row. Of course, I can add redundant column and row to text file and I'll get data I want, but that's bad solution.
AC 22, 24 | Win 10
Jochen Suehlo
What kind of types are "0,22", "0,28" etc. ? Are they strings or numbers?
If they are numbers, they must be "0.22", "0.28", etc.
Jochen Suehlo . AC12-27 . MAC OSX 14.4 . WIN11
GDL object creation: b-prisma.de
A_ Smith
Well, they should be numbers. But I assume for Add-on it's all strings, because it's text file. Though I haven't thought about how I'll convert them into numbers. This task would appear after I successfully save all data
AC 22, 24 | Win 10
A_ Smith
another strange thing - if I put "print x[1][1]" at the end, I get warining "a b c". But all others cells of array are empty, at least print doensn't create warnings. Same as if I put print"" (empty string). Thouth in parameter X, I see other values. But print function doens't work or says other values are empty strings...
AC 22, 24 | Win 10
Strange that it's not working properly.
Is it your first try of using txt Add-On?
I wrote some tools based on txt database - and it actually worked. Several years on different platforms, computers and versions.

Another question - what you shared here it's all you have got or just fragment of bigger object / system - anything you are developing? Maybe, if you are saving in txt only numbers, try to read them as numbers? Just set your x array as numbers. This is also annihilating the problem with zero, I mentioned before, because this problem exist only with string variables. In case of integer zero will be zero.
Jochen Suehlo
If ArchiCAD detects both strings and numbers in the text import, it stops the import.
Please try the following: replace all fields with strings, e.g. #1 insted of 1.
After the import you can split #1 to 1 again.
For some reason the TEXT Addon cannot handle mixed Vartypes.
Jochen Suehlo . AC12-27 . MAC OSX 14.4 . WIN11
GDL object creation: b-prisma.de
A_ Smith
Podolsky wrote:
Strange that it's not working properly.
Is it your first try of using txt Add-On?
I wrote some tools based on txt database - and it actually worked. Several years on different platforms, computers and versions.

Another question - what you shared here it's all you have got or just fragment of bigger object / system - anything you are developing? Maybe, if you are saving in txt only numbers, try to read them as numbers? Just set your x array as numbers. This is also annihilating the problem with zero, I mentioned before, because this problem exist only with string variables. In case of integer zero will be zero.
It's my first try of text Add-On. So, unfortunately, it could be anything... here is 7z archieve

Now I made 2 text files - one is original (with commas instead of dots) and another with dots. And I've created 2 different arrays: one has string values, other real numbers. And for some reason "trick" with overwritting first cell of array effecting only text array, not with numbers. Plus if you look at 2D view all numbers are zero - left side, big one, is string array (with different values) and right side is number array with zeroed values
AC 22, 24 | Win 10
Not sure I understand your problem, but to me it seems to work: the object shows the values from the files and the arrays in settings as well. Tested:
Win 10 AC23 7000 AUT
Win 10 AC22 6021 AUT

However I had also some problems with getting the input right: the add-on actually interprets numbers as numbers directly, you don't have to convert them. In order for this to work correctly, you have to set the variable right though, so:

Text file: 123,1
A = ""
nr=INPUT(ch, 1, 1, A)
causes weird issues, while
A =0
nr=INPUT(ch, 1, 1, A)

You can convert strings to numbers with the split command.

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