About building parametric objects with GDL.

Snaping lines for 2d elements drawned in the 2D symbol window




If you script lines or fills, you can make them snap with the HOTLINE2 command.


If you draw lines/fills in the 2D symbol of an object and place that object, the lines/fills you can't snap those lines.

  • Is there a command or option to make them snap?

thanks in advance


Save binary 2d to 2d script (prior 27 select content of binary 2d and drag to 2d script, in 27 and up: copy and paste to plan and then having those elements selected, go bask to object and click i belive the last buttom while being in 2d scrip to paste the selected to 2d script) and and search for line2 and add the same with hotline2 - You will have to add hotspot/hotline ID for every such instance.

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