I'm expecting to be sending the book out to the pre-order people the day before I leave for Calgary, provided the printer can perform.
Sorry for the delay. Sorry, Sorry, Sorry. At least, for you pre-order people, I'm covering the shipping. Big discount!!!
I actually got so much public art work this year, my head explodes with the though of what needs to be done.
For instance: Just try and find Tapcon Stainless steel concrete screws in Canada. Krikey. Ordered then from Ohio. Not paying bloody $1.50 each for Hilti!
Had to (word that would be censored) up to a senator in Colorado last week to get a sculpture down there. Airplanes. Rental cars. Motel 6. The glamour.
Puts me right out of the mood to write.
Sorry. Sorry Sorry.
Thomas: Beer on me at ACUE. Coming?
Dwight Atkinson