a week ago - last edited a week ago by Barry Kelly
I understand that AC software became complex and all updates and implementations can cause issues/lags/crashes. Because of this before each update is pushed publicaly it should be tested with some 2-3 weeks in by real life company working with big projects how that version works for them, because most of issues arises very fast mostly working with big files and BIMcloud. Maybe GS can provide free version of software or something for companies that works as BETA testing companies. Thing is that software need to be tested in real life also, not enough to test it in Sanbox area. We as Users who work with software and expierencing these issues just in issue cases working as BETA testers and wasting our time on finding software issues/crashes/trying to stabilise projects while we need to work on task our clients paying us for 😕
a week ago
Beta tests would not help here. This issue has been around for over a year.
Offtopic: I really wonder how the new monthly update release will turn out. That will put their "that bug was in the previews release, please create a new case" game to a whole other level 😂
a week ago
For most updates, especially in recent times, Graphisoft has released a 'Preview' update that you can try and then report back any problems before the proper update is released.
a week ago - last edited a week ago
Hi Barry,
It is hard so solve issues when normal update is released, why I should be reporting issues from Preview Update. Preview update is already talking about itself that it can have issues in it. I will not install Preview update at any cost and will not get into trouble just for curiousity. I will wait for stable update realease and when its released I'am not sure will it be stable or not :/. What should motivate me to install Preview update and report feedback - I don't have time for volountering BETA testing. No hate, just this is how it is 😉
a week ago
I have no idea how or if Graphisoft test their updates before release, or if real people get to test it even before the preview release.
But the preview is exactly as you wanted - for someone to beta test the update before official release.
Totally your or anyone else's choice if they want to do that or not.
I guess releasing the preview publicly means that no one particular company is stuck doing the beta testing and a range of users will get to try it if they want, and hopefully find and report any problems.
Personally I think if the preview is released publicly then it really shouldn't be a preview at all.
But who is going to volunteer to test the preview and would Graphisoft get the range of users to test all aspects of it?
We are starting to get a little off topic here.
Feel free to start another thread about testing of updates in the General Discussions forum.
In fact I will split this off as a separate thread as it really is straying from the original topic.