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Flex Your BIMx - Last call to join and win exclusive prizes!

Dear Community members,


Our Flex Your BIMx challenge is getting heated, with impressive submissions from many of you (get a sneak peek at the end of this post 😉)! But...There’s always room for more.


As we approach the final days of the challenge, we would like to remind you that there's still plenty of time to join and turn the tables! Don’t hesitate to share your best works with the community and win exclusive prizes, including:

  • 1st place: Apple iPad pro* + Graphisoft Learn voucher €400 + roundtable with BIMx Product Manager and Product Designer
  • 2nd place: Graphisoft Learn voucher €400 + roundtable with BIMx Product Manager and Product Designer
  • 3rd place: Graphisoft Learn voucher €240 + roundtable with BIMx Product Manager and Product Designer
  • Honorable mention: Graphisoft Learn voucher €150 + roundtable with BIMx Product Manager and Product Designer
    *depending on your location, we may provide you with an Apple Store voucher instead


The Flex Your BIMx webinar recording is available for those that want to get familiar with BIMx or get inspired by selected project showcases.


We look forward to receiving the best works yet for the gallery! Submit until August 20, 12:00 PM CEST.


Graphisoft Community Team
