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Archicad 28 New Features Q&A

Here, you’ll find answers to common questions about the newly released features. For more detailed information, please check out the New Features Guide.



When will Keynotes be able to read information from the model?

It's been under investigation continuously, even while we were developing Keynotes. We’ve discussed at length how this could work. It requires a lot more investment to make this happen. Your feedback about use cases and where we should focus our efforts would be greatly appreciated.

Would it be possible to use Keynotes with Graphic Overrides ?

Not currently, as we don't have the connection to elements. Or do you want to highlight the label only? Or the words in the label? If you can post some examples on the forum, I'll take a look.

Would it be possible to transfer these Keynotes to the properties of construction materials or elements?

This is an area that we want to investigate further in, but at this stage it's not possible. So we would appreciate feedback on the use cases and workflows that you would like us to concentrate on.

How can we export element-linked Keynote information to IFC?

Because the Keynotes are not embedded into elements, Keynote data doesn't transfer with IFC.

Will we be able to import non-conflicting Keynote items from hotlink modules into current project?

If the two Keynotes are the same between the Hotlink source and the host, then you won't see any conflicts. You won't see two items - you'll only see the one in the host, and it will link to the same thing. Hotlink Keynotes that have a conflict or don't exist in the host will be displayed, and if you break the hotlink, these will be embedded into the host.

Can the Keynotes pull from classifications and properties?

At the moment, no. We are looking at integrating Keynotes into element attributes. As well as pulling autotext into Keynotes, is also something that we're looking at. We would be happy for examples, so if there are certain cases or certain types of information that you want specifically in Keynotes, please post those on the forum.

Is it possible to make an element schedule that shows which Keynote is connected to it?

Currently Keynotes only appear in the Keynote legend - this is similar technology that we use with the Change/Revision tool.

Because the element schedule lists elements and element data, and because the Keynotes are not currently embedded into elements, they won't appear in schedules. gain, we're still looking into this area, and we have since the beginning of Keynotes… it's difficult to know how to connect the dots among the data of attributes and elements, and also trying to cover as many use cases as we can. We're planning to invest in this area.

Will there be a Keynote database in Archicad 28 by default?

In the international template, we don't plan any generic Keynotes out of the box (the database will be empty by default) - as we realize most users will want to delete them anyway.

Can we place the Keynote legend on details, or only on Layouts?

The legend can be placed only on Layouts and Master Layouts. The Keynote data is stored inside the drawing cache.

Archicad modeling/Other topics

Will the individual edges of Roof openings be adjustable? Or their angle?

We’ve received many suggesting for this since Openings were introduced. It's part of our longer-term roadmap for the Opening tool, especially since the most requested feature has been Opening support for roofs.

Can we use the Openings for the Shell tool? Would this be scheduled for an update?

Definitely not an update as this development would change the file format. We have been prototyping this, but we discovered too many issues that we couldn't solve at this stage. We decided to put our effort into Roof first, which was the most wished-for item.

Is it possible to edit the angle of the edge of the hole?

Not currently, but this is part of our longer term road map for the Opening tool.

When will “Connected tabs” move out of experimental status and be a standard feature? (question also applies to other exp. features)

As of this release, for example, Distance Guides are no longer an experimental feature. But some experimental features remain experimental, because their purpose is to get feedback on how they are used. We may decide to discontinue some of the experimental features if we don't see the traction. So we are requesting your input about which experimental features might not serve a useful purpose - and then we might not invest any more time in testing and making them available.

As for the connected tabs, I don't know if any of us can give an answer.

About Distance Guides with windows and doors: can we use the distance to the inside of the wall?

Yes, you can relocate the endpoint of the distance guide to any supported points and edges, even layer edges.

What is happening with the new GDL editor and poor performance?

Improving the performance is on our backlog. It is an increasingly important issue now that the content has increased. The GDL editor has not changed in this version.   

Any updates to PARAM-O or structural features?

No updates on structural engineering for this version, just some bugfixes. We don't plan major updates beyond some bug fixes. In the Structural roadmap, we actually reached the state, in previous releases, where we wanted to be. And to take it further -  that's up for consideration.

As PARAM-O, I'm challenging the team to validate all the various bits that are underused in our software, and either we can generate usage and then continue those, or if that's not possible and we don't see these getting traction, then even consider removing some functionalities.

PARAM-O isn't on that list, but while we love it, we don't see it as widely used as we would like. 

Can we do calculations based on ASHRAE norms or other options?
The built-in EcoDesigner STAR can calculate according to ASHRAE norms, although not the latest version of ASHRAE. Furthermore, gbXML and IFC file formats can be used to transfer data to software which carry out these kind of calculations. 

Do you know when the Favorite Converter tool will be available?

A not-so-user friendly version is already available - I'm happy to share it with you on demand: The more user-friendly version can be expected around the Archicad 28 release.

Regarding Design Options: Would it be possible in the future to deactivate the main model in a module, and display only the options?

We would like to do this in the future, but it's quite complex to develop and has a few consequences we need to handle – for example, empty hotlinks might be more frequent.

Rhino Grasshopper connection

Can you set the Home Story for each instance of the hotlink module in Grasshopper?

Yes: instances of the Hotlink modules have their own settings. Please reach out to Illés Papp in the Community if there's something you would like to share when testing the feature.

Is it possible to also change the angle parameter of hotlink elements in a Grasshopper node?

I did not prepare an example for that, but please reach out to me on Community , and I will help with that. 

Will Grasshopper be able to manage module rotation?

Yes. Although I have demonstrated a very simple example, more complex situations can be solved too.

Archicad Updates

Can update/hotfixes still be downloaded once and then distributed and installed on an internal schedule?

The previous, more manual processes still work as before, so you will have this possibility, yes.

How can you disable checking for Archicad updates for people in a large organization? Maybe it is just me, but I could not find an option in the Work Environment.

In the Work Environment, you can turn off the automatic downloads.  Information about new updates will probably still appear, but the automatic download won't take place.

But to make things easier, there is an installation option to control this. If you have an IT administrator who sets up all the running Archicads, they can already preset this in the Work Environment. Or if you are using a company template, then that works as well. Also, we are planning to further improve how we handle these updates and hotfixes in a more controlled Teamwork environment. 

Is the Teamwork/version incompatibility still an issue with updates? If so, we need to be able to prevent staff from updating their own Archicad.

Hotfix is compatible, but updates might not be. To restrict some users from updating, you can modify the permission for updating a project.  We also plant to introduce Teamwork workflow improvements for this.

Can the update process be centralized via BIMcloud?

This is what we aim for, yes. We are already working on it.

Home Screen/Start Archicad

Can the Start Archicad page show projects as a list instead of previews?

Yes. I think I covered this in the demo, please contact Zoltán Válé at if you have additional questions.

Would it be an option for future development to integrate internal training materials (office-specific workflow explanation) into this Home Screen?

Definitely, this is an option that we are considering for the future. Right now, we would like to see how the the current functionality behaves - specifically, the ”Sample projects” section, which is already customized for specific localizations.  For the future, yes, this would be the desired direction, and we are already considering this – allowing companies to integrate their own content into the sample files, learning materials, and everything that goes with the onboarding process.

Physically Based Rendering

How about contours in Physically Based Rendering?

We are currently researching this feature, and trying to locate performance and technology bottlenecks.

It is more complex than it seems to be, so it's difficult to say an ETA. We’ll come back with an answer later, but at the moment I cannot be more accurate than that.

Would it be possible to manage the transparency or intensity of shadows?

It is not possible at the moment (in Archicad 28), but I agree that finding a good default is important. Our current research is twofold: finding the best out-of-the box setting, and if necessary, providing an easy-to-use custom setting.

Is showing edge lines possible now with the physical rendering engine? Is it possible to save a picture with desired quality and resolution as a .png or .jpg without window resize?

These are highly requested features that are not available in Archicad 28 yet, but are currently actively being researched/tested.

Can we have these Physically Based Rendering effects in our 3D documents, sections, facades...?

As an experimental feature, Physically Based Rendering has its limitations -  for example it is not yet available as a 3D Style. Right now, when PBR is turned on, it takes over in your 3D views. 

Are you planning to introduce an engine setting in the Surface settings for the Physically Based Renderer as well?

There are plans to improve material representation in PBR. The difficulty is to harmonize surfaces through different visualization modes. The exact solution is under research.

 Do you plan to use HDRImage ?

We are considering this possibility in the long term.

MEP Designer

In the Duct Size Optimizer, can a single dimension be locked?

Currently, you cannot omit any element from sizing. All elements will be changed. On the other hand, there are options to ensure that duct sizes do not exceed a certain dimension.

Can we use the enhanced MEP tool to add calculations (thermal etc.) or to connect to an external tool?
There are two ways this is possible. Via open file formats (gbXML and IFC), we are communicating with calculation solutions. Since Archicad 27, this possibility does exist, because our API enables direct connection to external calculation software.

Is it possible to show MEP systems with only a centerline in floor plans?
Depends on what the purpose is. It is possible to get such a result, but it requires the workaround of hiding the contour lines.


In MEP Designer: is there any improvement on creating sloping system (typically sewage system) - especially when adding a new branch using a y-connection?
We have improved the modeling of pipes and addressed various bugs related to sloped systems. Please let us know of any specific issues you have encountered and contact Bálint Kézér at so that we can provide you with a more comprehensive response.

Import IDS

Is there any way to bring IDS into the IFC translator? Because now it brings the properties to the Archicad properties, but there's no link to the IFC translator yet.

Yes. This is an excellent question because I think this is the feature’s biggest value. Whenever you import an IDS, it generates native classifications and properties, and it also creates a new property mapping preset, in the IFC translators. They are already mapped between these newly created native properties and their specific IFC properties. So we did the IFC mapping, based on this new content, to the best of our knowledge.

Can IDS be created in 3rd party applications?

Yes. IDS is a new standard that just became official a couple of months ago, but there are already several softwares that support exporting these, like Plannerly and BIMQ and some from ACCA software. So you will start having more options here.

Global Library

Will we need to recreate all our templates from scratch to utilize the new library?

You can use your current template as a starting point. But yes, recreating them is necessary to make it compatible with the Global Library. We understand that this can be time-consuming for users with large collection of Favorites , but in exchange the new template will be compatible with libraries in all upcoming versions.

Here you can find a document that explains how to do it:

Here you can find a video on how to do it:

What are the implications for those with extensive Favorite collections?

Favorites cannot be migrated. New ones need to be created using the Global Library.

To reduce the amount of work required to recreate the Favorites, we will provide a Favorite Converter Tool by the final release of Archicad 28, which will be able to convert a significant portion of Favorites. But some manual work will be still required.

But once the new Favorites are ready, there will be no need to recreate them again in subsequent versions. Library Packages are designed to alleviate migration pain. Once Library Packages are in use, there will be no need to migrate library objects just because there is a new Archicad version. Also you will be able to simply add a newly released Library Package to existing projects if you find its content useful for your project. 

Does the old method of CMD+OPT Click (syringe paste) still work to migrate parameters to the new library equivalent?

It works only between Monolith & Monolith objects and Package & Package objects.

Will we be able to extract libpacks and rearrange them?

No, but their content can be exported and loaded back as a folder.

If you have a Company Library folder with subfolders - will the subfolders show up in Library Manager?

Briefly: the groups are not libraries. These are only groups of libraries from the same origin. The subfolders of contents of libraries can be found on the Content Tab Page.

If Global Library and Library Packs are compatible with future versions, and supposing we edit the library in Archicad 29, will the object still work in Archicad 28?

Yes, provided that no incompatible change is introduced in Archicad 29.

The library packs all show as individual folders. I still want them as one, but we need to see the parent folder of the 3rd party libraries we load.

You can load them/arrange them as one, and the 3rd party libraries as another one.

Can you load the host folder of the library packs? or must you choose which library pack files to load?

Each library pack is an individual library. But you can load multiple libraries in a single step with Cmd+A or Ctrl+A.

Could you please show an example of the non-compatibility of the monolith and Global libraries? What behavior is to be expected as non-compatible?

For example: the MVO Detail level options for Doors and Windows.

Does the MASTER GDL still exist?

Yes, in your own library, you can use them. 

What happens to a new library object from the Global Library in Archicad 28, if the file is back saved to Archicad 27?

That object will be missing. Use the new library only if you are sure you do not need to save back to 27.

How do Global libraries work with Teamwork?

Just like other LCFs. They can be uploaded and can be added to projects.

Can we create the same libpack for a company's library, or it's still LCF for now?

Yes, you can if you want, but LCF still works.

Many testers with a deep knowledge of Archicad are concerned about the Global Library. Are you evaluating the possibility to skip this for Archicad 28, and to make usage of the Global Library optional?

The usage of the Global Library is optional. If you prefer to start using the Global Library only after further improvements are implemented, then you can still use the 27 Monolith Library in Archicad 28 by loading the 27 Template and 27 Library.

Would this concept also allow for multi-language annotation? That is, to use not just one localization, but both French and Dutch for example? Unfortunately, not. You can flexibly choose the language of the annotations, but only one. Not even per view. The selected language code is plan-wide.

For the INT-based localizations, will you provide templates both with and without libpacks? Or will the online template always be the libpack version?

The installer will contain only Global Library templates, but the earlier content (library and template) can still be used with Archicad 28.

How does the change in Library Management impact Archicad’s connection to the BIM Components site?

The Library Package development doesn’t affect the connection between Archicad and the BIM Components site.

I assume the Global Library is a localized selection, similar in content to the Archicad 27 Monolith library?

Yes, the content is similar, apart from the 136 additional library parts in the “Objects and Annotation Tools” mentioned in the Release Note.


When is BIMcloud v28 compatibility coming for testing Archicad28?

It’s already available. Download the on-premises version from the Community. The SaaS tenants are already updated for use with the Beta and the Technology Preview.


Can I disable the export of 600 layers, and will only the used layers be exported?

Layers which are not relevant to the 3D model are automatically filtered out in the export. 2D-only layers won't appear in BIMx at all. With the "Use Layers in BIMx" checkbox, you can disable any 3D-relevant layers in BIMx. 

When you export a BIMx model to a client, can you disable the Layer show/hide feature?


Can the export of layers to BIMx be selected as Yes/No?

Yes, the checkbox is for this purpose. It works for all the 3D-relevant layers and is valid for the complete Hyper-model.

In BIMx, can we hide Layers in 2D?

It's not planned in this project. We are focusing on a more interactive 3D model right now. 

How are layer combinations created, edited, or managed for BIMx?

Layer Combinations without 3D elements are automatically filtered out in export. Others will be listed - as an experimental feature. We are relying on your feedback about how to proceed with layer combinations! Irrelevant Layers are also filtered out. I'll describe all this on the Beta Forum in detail right after this webinar. 

If layer combinations are off when the BIMx model is exported, I assume these would not be visible to turn on in the BIMx app. Is that correct? I look forward to your detail in the forum.

Exactly.  We thought it's important to give you control if you want to allow layer usage in the Hyper-model or not. The BIMx topic is already available on the Beta Forum!

How about BIMx support for more popular and available VR goggles, like Meta Quest, and not just a niche expensive product like Apple Vision Pro?

We don't have such plans for the near future. We investigated the potential of some other hardware and didn't consider them good enough for BIMx, for reasons like poor performance, VR quality, and challenges of integration into architectural workflows (e.g., keeping data up-to-date). One of Apple's strengths is its reliable ecosystem. visionOS is based on the well-developed iOS, which enabled us to release BIMx right after the launch of Apple Vision Pro. Other devices wouldn't work that well so easily. 

Will BIMx for Vision Pro be updated to recognize the real vertical relationship of the user, headset, and model? Right now, the vertical height isn't accurate when using Vision Pro.

It's not in the scope of the beta, but we plan to further enhance navigation on Apple Vision Pro. The BIMx team has many ideas. We consider real-world height as a great idea for the future, we'll see what we can achieve.

Bug reporting

Is the bug reporting board working properly? It's not showing anyone else's bug reports.

This is an expected behavior. It's working, and your tickets are coming in, but we can only show you your own tickets and those where you are a contributor. So that's why the other tickets are not visible for everyone. We can resolve this probably for next year.

