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2024 Technology Preview Program

2024 Technology Preview Program:
Master powerful new features and shape the latest BIM-enabled innovations

Graphisoft Technology Preview Program 2024

🏆 Win by sharing your Feedback! Here's how‌ 🏆

Ilona Jasenszky

Dear Testers,

remember, the more you test and the more feedback you provide, the better!


We’re excited to share that we have some cool rewards for you: 

We will reward you in three different categories based on your contributions: 


  • The Detective title goes to those who discover and submit the most bugs and inconsistencies in the technology preview version. 
  • The Trailblazer title recognizes testers who spend the most active time with the technology preview version. 
  • The Community Hero title celebrates the most engaged members in the Community through chats, post replies, likes, and discussion contributions. 

The top 10 testers in each of these categories will receive a specialized Graphisoft gift pack reflecting their achievements and titles. 

The overall top 5 testers will have the unique opportunity to meet and share their findings and feedback with our product managers in an exclusive online session. 

And finally, the best of the best will be rewarded with a brand-new iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil Pro! 


Let’s make this Technology Preview a success!  

Ilona Jasenszky

Manager, Release and Program Management


Thank you, Ilona! 🙂 


I really like the way the tools are set out at the top of the AC28 screen and how the drop down menus are now organized. I find it easier to navigate the guides and the other main menu headings. This approach is logical and makes things easier to find for me.

AC8.1 - AC27 ARM AUS + CI Tools
Apple Mac Studio M1 Max Chip 10C CPU
24C GPU 7.8TF 32GB RAM OS Ventura

Hello Ilona, 


as chairman of an association representing 91 german architectural offices with over 5000 employees I would like to congratulate you for the new beta-programm, which I appreciate. 
Over the last five years we provided GRAPHISOFT International in Budapest annually with lists of the top 10 functional requests and bugs based on the daily work of our members. 
On some of them the implementation has partially begun within the past versions since ArchiCAD 23. 

We invested a lot of spare time in these lists. 
Eventhough I can‘t find any of our open requests in the recent ArchiCAD 28 preview I hope I will in the final release and we will continue our collaboration. 

Besides the unclear future of this I am confused about the recent price and license policy, which is a complete different topic. But looking at all the money spend for the licenses at our members and the time spend on our lists and thinking of all the spare time that will be spend to become one of the top ten tester, I think instead of a 1.200 € iPad plus a 150 € Pencil Pro a free ArchiCAD 28 on premise license would have been more appropriate. 

Hi Michael,

Thank you for your comment and feedback about the Beta and Technology Preview Program. We appreciate your continuous support in helping make Archicad better and meeting the most crucial needs of architectural offices in Germany.

And thanks a lot for your feedback on the rewards as well, we will definitely consider it.

Best regards,


Ilona Jasenszky

Manager, Release and Program Management

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