Installation & update
About program installation and update, hardware, operating systems, setup, etc.

Adding Memory To Archicad

Not applicable
up to os9 you could specify memory allocation for applications

osX does this dynamically and cannot be set by the user

if AC is using the hard disk for 'swap' memory then all you can do is close other applications or add more physical ram

in utilities>process viewer you can check if AC is running out of physical memory

Aussie John
OSX will use all of your RAM - you cant change that (Hip hip Hoorary!!). Memory management is superior to OS9. If ArchiCAD goes to the background it will release Memory for other Programs.

The only thing you can do is GET more RAM
Cheers John
John Hyland : ARINA :
User ver 4 to 12 - Jumped to v22 - so many options and settings!!!
OSX 10.15.6 [Catalina] : Archicad 22 : 15" MacBook Pro 2019