2005-02-08 09:45 PM
2005-02-17 04:52 PM
jcude wrote:
my line is on straight in the info box. ok here are my steps. i click on the line tool. then i click on the drawing area. i drag in the direction that i want i to go and push the shift key to make it straight. i then press the r key while i have the shift key held and the coordinants in the r box become highlighted. i ket go of everything. i type in the distance that i need and press enter.the line stays at the original distance dragged by the cursor. did i overlook anything?
2005-02-17 05:17 PM
2005-02-17 05:19 PM
2005-02-17 05:22 PM
jcude wrote:I don't think anyone thinks you are getting testy
i have a call in to the gs tech support this morning. i am just waiting on them to call back. by the way link i wasn't trying to get testy or smart. i was just trying to describe my steps. i am totally letting go of the mouse and don't touch it again till i have hit enter.
jcude wrote:That's exactly what Webex is.
you guys have been great and i do appreciate the help you have given. what is webex by the way? i have never heard of that. is it the application that allows them to work on my computer from another pc?
2005-02-17 05:31 PM
2005-02-17 05:35 PM
2005-02-17 05:37 PM
2005-02-17 07:01 PM
2005-02-17 07:13 PM
jcude wrote:
i'll tell you that i still don't know what the problem is but woody and i just got on a webex session and now it works. the only thing i did different was that i didn't type the feet and inches mark in the r box. tha is how i have done it at school but i apparently doesn't work for me now, but i have ac running now. that is the main thing.
2005-02-17 08:14 PM