2025-01-24 04:28 AM
Hello all
I've been trying to deploy ArchiCAD across several student labs using a script. My problem is the launcher seems to be running in demo mode and demands a Graphisoft account. I can ignore this and click through to the actual program, which shows as an EDU install and runs fine, but after 7 days the launcher 'demo mode' times out and you can't get past the login splash screen without entering an account. The launcher itself shows as a FULL install in the about section.
I don't remember previous editions doing this. Is there a new requirement that all users have accounts even where the software is pre-registered to the educational organization? I've discovered that if I log in with the college account and then log out it then behaves as expected with just the launcher then main program running in EDU mode. But some of my labs are 300+km away from me, I'd rather not have to remote into 30 machines to log-in/out plus I don't know if this fix carries over to different users.
I use the command -
Archicad-28.0.0-AUS.exe --mode unattended --eduSerialNumber <MYNUMBER> --eduUserID <ACCOUNT.EMAIL> --desktopshortcut 0 --enableautomaticdownload 0 --disable-components LicenseManagerToolInstaller
Then add the hotfix with -
Archicad-28.0.2-Hotfix-AUS.exe --mode unattended
I've tried
Does anybody know if there is a registry key or license file somewhere that I can change or copy from machine to machine in order to get past this problem? Or am I just experiencing a new default behavior and from now on all students will have to make their own accounts to use the labs. I tried Graphisoft support but after confirming I had the correct account type and was using the correct switches they shrugged and sent me here.
Operating system used: Windows 10 22H2