See Record #795
From US Tech Resouces:
- Find the build number of your ArchiCAD (in the ArchiCAD menu, select "about ArchiCAD" and find the four-digit number in the bottom-right corner of the window)
- Find com.graphisoft.acXXXXYYY.plist file. (XXXX is the build number you just found out, YYY is the language version of your ArchiCAD. e.g. com.graphisoft.ac2284USA.plist) It is located in userhome/library/preferences
- This is the file you have to edit in Terminal window.
- Open Terminal
- type: defaults write com.graphisoft.acXXXXYYY InputOutput -dict "DisableCrossPlatfromMountingFeatures" "<true/>"
This is like editing the registry on PC. It will create a new key in the com.graphisoft.acXXXXYYY.plist file called "DisableCrossPlatfromMountingFeatures" (note that the spelling mistake "Platfrom" is deliberate) and set it to "true". This will disable some routines that ArchiCAD uses to translate MAC location names to names recognized by windows. The only result of this is that if you open a file saved by a such modified ArchiCAD on a PC, it will not automatically find the necessary libraries. If this office is MAC-only, this will not cause any inconviniences at all. Of course this also will not make the files unreadable by PCs.
If you edited the com.graphisoft.acXXXXYYY.plist file like this, please open com.graphisoft.acXXXXYYY.plist in TextEdit and make sure that you find this script somewhere in the text: