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AC9 SE Windows & Doors - Wall types

Not applicable
Since there are no stupid questions.

When am I to Choose one wall type over another?

Window Types:

* Solid Wall w/ Siding (is this a Composite wall?)
* Brick Veneer Wall (Kind of Obvious, but maybe not?)
* Solid Wall (Non-composite wall, even one with non-solid {Empty} fill?)
* Stud Wall (also a Composite wall?)

The manual is not very specific.
Ransom Ratcliff
Wally wrote:
Jay wrote:

We vary rarely use Brick up here in the Mountains and most (85& or so) of our siding applications actually run underneath the trim. In otherwords the window trim is nailed on over the Siding. Only for a steeply Beveled siding is the siding cut to butt with the window trim like the "Stud wall with Siding" wall type displays.

A plug for Cadimage's Accessories. After some feedback from a local they have added an exterior apron even. It's a bit limited in some of it's selections yet but placing your trim over the siding or butting the siding to the trim is simply done.

Of course it is still teething, but if enough AC'rs buy it hopefully the development will follow.
I might add that ever since trim was added to windows and doors in the ArchiCAD Library, (more than 10 years ago) it was modeled on the surface of the wall, i.e. over the siding, etc.
Since this detail is so rarely done in many areas of the US market, there was a great need for pulling the exterior trim into the wall cavity. The Special Edition Library offered this option to users for the first time. Yet it still left the ability to put the trim over the outside skin of the wall.

The point is, we now have valuable options even if there remain regional semantic differences for meaning of "Stud Wall" vs. "Stud with Siding". (Hunglish sometimes slips in too.) The later setting makes the window see the second skin of a composite and try to set the back of the trim against it. (For example for sheathing under siding.) So it can make a difference whether you are using a composite or not.

Please note that you can use subset libraries of any of the older versions of ArchiCAD, along with the SE9 library. GS hasn't cut off the branch we were standing on. 😉

Finally, it is important to understand that software development is never finished. There is a huge gray area between alpha quality and time-tested released material. But ArchiCAD users are on the leading edge of what can be done with a computer in this profession. This can expose us to some of the rougher edges of software development in order to reap the greater rewards.

So yes, we are beta testers of a sort. But more can be learned by releasing the SE9 library before AC10, than in endless years of developer testing.

Karl's suggestion to follow-up discussions here with bug reports to Tech Support, is right on target. A brief e-mail, maybe with an AC-Talk link, will be a huge help. 🙂

BTW, your point about pen selection was made during the beta testing but it ended up on the part of the wish list that could not be addressed before SE9 was released.


Ransom Ratcliff
Charrette Venture Group
ArchiCAD 4.55 - 28
Apple M3 Max + Dell Precision Workstation