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Libraries & objects
About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.

Adress of ArchiCAD library

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I need to get the adress of the archicad library folder from a GDL object
to scan the folder,

how can i get it ?

is there any request or req command for that ?
This is how to FIND an object in the library.
Perhaps you can work backwards.

Note that if the object is living in an .lcf [a container] you will need to extract.....
location of an object.jpg
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable
what i need it to find this location by scripting in GDL, not by searching in window

it's to make an object that will find automaticly a macro object in a library.

the macro object will be make by the user of my script, so i can't give a name to call the macro, like: "CALL "name.gsm" ....

the user don't have notion about GDL scripting, so my script have to find alone the macro and propose it to the user

but the library won't be located on the same folder from a computer to an other or from an archicad version to an other.

so i need to get the library adress and would know if it's possible to get it by a special command like REQ or REQUEST, maybe REQ("adress of librarie"), for example...
I am not sure just what you are doing here, but can't you just create a parameter "abc" in which the user will input name.gsm (actually just name). Then for your call you could script it as follows:

CALL item ...

Or is it the case that the user does not even know name.gsm?

AC 19 6006 & AC 20
Mac OS 10.11.5
15" Retina MacBook Pro 2.6
27" iMac Retina 5K
Not applicable
Jevrod wrote:
....but the library won't be located on the same folder from a computer to an other or from an archicad version to an other....
I didn't thick ArchiCAD cared about the folder structure when looking for library parts/macros. As long as it's in a loaded library somewhere, it will find it.
"Script it and they will come"
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable
"Script it and they will come"

i search a command like this:

REQ( "adress of the library" )

REQUEST( "adress of library", "", adress )


REQUEST( "emplacement of archiCAD folder", "" , adress )

is a command like this exist ?

it's too much complex to explain why i need it, but i want to find the adress of archiCAD librairy folder, maybe this or an other solution ?

if it's not possible i will find an other way.. thanks for your help
Not applicable

Possibly AC12 GDL Reference Manual, page 306 can help,
here a folder's content is listed after a dialog is shown;

topFolder = open( "FileMan", "MyFavouriteFolder", "files, dialog" )
y = 0
n = input( topFolder, 0, 0, fileName )
while n = 1 do
text2 0, y, fileName
y = y - 0.6
n = input( topFolder, 0, 0, fileName )
close( topFolder )

regards, Juha
Not applicable
yeah, it's a solution

like this, i don't have the adress, but the user can search the folder with the dialog box

thanks juha
ArchiCAD can load several libraries (folders) and single items (objects, scripts, images...) for a project. So a scanning script need to know the full structure of the library, not just the address of one folder.

--Roberto Corona--
AC18 - ITA full on Win10