Thanks for your speedy reply and help. unfortunately your first option did not work. that is not what the problem is.
the problem lays in when i download the file, nothing is changed, i open it in library, as i have before with no problems in the past and it's still coming out white now. for some reason the colour keeps being lost. So, I don't know whether the problem lays with the website archibase, or with Archicad. i'll post the link here to the bottle i took a screen shot of and you can tell me if it's coming white out on your end, if so it's the archibase site is causing problems, but then why it's doing it to all the products, i don't know.
here is the link to the product.
but if it's an archicad problem, i really need it fixed asap. i can't do the second option, i am limited on time.
advice anyone? please?