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Fonts must be available on the host system

Not applicable
Can fonts be part of an ArchiCAD file?

Using 3D text object.

When I load a file from another user who has used a font which is not available on my system, it displays with another font, which is available on my system.

So, ArchiCAD project file does not include the font?

Is it possible to include the font?
Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus
No, fonts are not part of an ARCHICAD file. I'm not aware of fonts being part of any application file, other than a PDF which is based on the concept of font-embedding. You'll have the same issue with any other CAD file, a Word doc, Photoshop text layer, etc when moving between machines.

So, if anyone involved in a project uses a non-system-standard font, they must distribute that font (if it is a freely licensed one) - or provide a purchase link (if it is a licensed one) to all other users.

For both Windows and Mac, it is pretty easy to zip up a font file and send it to another user on another system.
AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB